Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Why The Rush On Obamacare?

The Wall Street Journal askes this question and answers it as such...

If sharks stop swimming, they sink and drown. President Obama seems to view his health-care program the same way. "If we don't get it done this year," he said in a recent pep talk to supporters, "we're not going to get it done." Well, why? If laying "a new foundation" for 18% of the economy really is as important as the President claims it is, then surely it could withstand more than fleeting inspection.

Instead, Democrats are trying to rush the largest entitlement expansion since LBJ into law with a truncated debate and as little public scrutiny as possible. At this point all they've released are the vaguest "policy options," not concrete specifics. Yet the Senate plans to begin marking up legislation next week, maybe hold a hearing or two, then have something to the floor by the end of the month, votes by the August recess and a bill to the Oval Office by Thanksgiving. On the seventh day, they will rest. Mr. Obama had 24 Senate Democrats over for a White House chat yesterday to drive the calendar ahead.

It's not hard to see why Democrats are trying to hew to this full-speed-ahead timetable. Their health overhaul will run up a 13-figure price tag at a time when spending and deficits are already at epic levels and hook up the middle class to an intravenous drip of government health subsidies for generations to come. These are not realities that Democrats want the American people to mull over for very long.

This is especially true for the majority of Americans who are generally satisfied with their coverage and doctors but worried about cost. They might get scared off if they were allowed the chance to realize that Democrats will do almost nothing to restrain rising health spending. Based on the leaks so far, this year's legislation will hone in on traditional liberal concerns of social equity -- covering the uninsured.
These healthcare plans must be fought tooth and nail. Socialized medicine has been a near universal failure in small, mostly homogeounous European industrial countries. A huge money suck-pit of a failure, chock-a-block with the rationing of medical services and medicines.

The reason why liberals don't want you to look to closely at how much this is going to cost you, the American taxpayer, is because the howls of outrage and pain would deafen all of Congress. And it should.

Fight back and contact your Congressional representatives in both the House and the Senate and tell them NO to government-run healthcare.

Our healthcare system needs reform, yes. But letting federal government beaucrats decide who gets what medical treatment and when is UNACCEPTABLE.

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